
Discovering Your Strengths, Weaknesses, and Values…




Survival Instincts (Article Link):

Our brains are hardwired to pay more attention and give deeper thought to negative events as a way to survive danger.  We even process positive and negative events in different hemispheres of our brains.  So, it is found that it is evolutionarily adaptive for bad thoughts and events to be stronger than good ones in order to ensure we pass our genes on.  A person who overlooks the positive may have regret, while someone who overlooks the negative may lose their life.  Case Western Reserve University Psychology Professor, Roy F. Baumeister and his colleagues, wrote an interesting paper on the topic titled: Bad Is Stronger Than Good; here is the linkā€¦

Highly recommended books:

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is GRIT-Angela-Duckworth-816x1024.jpg
Some lines a day: The 5 Year Memory Book.