
Go into the New Year Wearing the Armor of God!


“Standing firm is not only about digging in.  It’s about moving forward.”

~Priscilla Shirer


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you might be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.  Stand therefore, having fastened the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.  In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.  To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.

~Ephesians 6:10-18


In this life, on this often-dark world filled with daily struggles and inevitable hardships, it is easy for disappointment, despair, and even hopelessness to creep in at times.  The armor of God that Paul speaks about in Ephesians is meant to evoke an image for Christians, about the reality of spiritual warfare that exists in an unseen but very real domain and the protection available to each of us through Christ.  Are you using all that Christ has given you to fight the doubt and temptation the enemy uses to attack us?  Worry, fear, and anxiety will not ward off satan and his evil ways, but rather they leave openings for him to enter.  These are some of the many gifts God has given us, gifts we can use specifically to be victorious in satan’s favorite battlefield, our minds.

The belt of truth.

The belt of truth is first on the list of weapons we can and should use against satan because he is the father of lies.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).  God wants us to pursue and to speak the truth, His truth, to ward off the fears, doubts, and worries the enemy tries to fill our mind with, lies that will distract us from God’s truth and promises!  The truths the Bible illustrates repeatedly are: God’s unconditional love for us, Salvation through our faith in Jesus, His Second Coming, forgiveness of our daily sins simply for the asking, and the grace and power to live for Jesus in this life.  God calls us to delve into His Word, into the truth, whether it feels difficult or not.  Humanity tends to focus on what is easy and comfortable rather than what is necessary and right, which can quickly lead us down the wrong path. 

Every piece of God’s armor, that which is meant to protect us, is attached to the belt of truth.  It is only through beginning with truth that you can defeat the enemy; it must be your standard when satan tries to trick you with deception.  Pursue the truth on every topic not just when it feels good, but rather be committed to the truth.  Press into God’s Word and study scripture, even that which is difficult.  Live a life of truth and steadfastness, even and especially when it is challenging.  Pray God’s Word.  Memorize God’s Word so you can use it when you need it.  Write scripture on Post-it notes and stick them in places you look often, choose screen savers with crucial scripture attached, and decorate your home with meaningful scripture, anything that will help you remember His Word when you have a weak moment or satan attacks.

The breastplate of righteousness.

Righteousness means to be made right.  It is something none of us can do on our own or through our good deeds, but something only God can do for us, the gift he gave us when Jesus died on the cross for our sins.  For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).  God instructs us toward “right living,” living in alignment with His truth each day, not perfection which is impossible for us.  Righteousness covers and protects our hearts from all the ways the enemy tries to tempt us into sin.  “Upside down living” invites satan in.  God’s instructions are not meant to be a burden or spoil our fun but rather to protect our heart from the wounds that sin causes.  Take a minute and think about the hurts that have resulted when you did not follow God’s instructions but instead gave in to sin.  We must meditate on and obey God’s instructions.  Pray about and ask for prayer if you are struggling to be obedient to Him.  Everyone struggles, but we are not meant to struggle alone.

The gospel of peace.

Peace is at the very core of who the Lord is, it is one of His seven fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22).  In Greek, peace means “oneness or wholeness.”  Our faith in Jesus gives us access to God’s peace, to be worn like comfortable shoes that anchor us in Him, so we can be made whole through Him despite our battles.  Satan uses obstacles to distract us from God’s truth, from our identity and purpose in Him.  The quickest way for the enemy to rob us of our peace is to remind us of all we have to worry about.  The result: worry, anxiety, and fear overshadowing and robbing us of the peace the Lord gives us access to, which then causes us to lose our ability to stand firm, anchored in His peace.  We must find both our identity and security in God rather than in our self.  We must always remember that our God is able to do far more than we are, so lean on Him, do not seek to understand everything but rather to simply trust Him.  Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God.  For all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27).

The shield of faith.

Faith in who God is, in His promises, truths, and strength, is what allows us to have a shield of protection from satan’s fiery darts.  Faith starts with a seed, which is a gift from God, and then it grows and develops based on what we choose to do each day, on how we nurture that seed.  The strength and protection that comes from our faith is not a one and done deal, but rather it takes daily replenishing in God’s Word, much like we would nurture a seedling.  So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ (Roman’s 10:17).  The longer we go without prayer and studying God’s Word, the more vulnerable we become.  I certainly have noticed that throughout my life!  Suddenly, I’ll see that everything seems out of sorts and I’ll realize I have not taken time to be with God, to nurture that most important relationship.  I pray most often when I ride my bike, walk, or am alone in my car, however sometimes when I am really stressed about something, I’ll realize I have not begun praying but instead have been dwelling on what is causing me stress and anxiety.  I immediately go to prayer and my whole mindset and mood shifts in a matter of minutes!  Did you know you can ask the Lord to increase your faith?  Spend time reading the Bible, verses specifically written to help you do so.  Go to one of my favorite resources, OpenBible.info, and put in increased faith as your topic and it will give you a plethora of helpful verses to read. 

Another must-do is to focus on God’s character not on your circumstances.  I have found that many non-believers and doubters focus on their circumstances.  If those are not ideal, then they doubt or blame God.  However, God promised us trials, not comfort and ease.  Our trials have their origin in sin being released into this world at the very beginning of the Bible.  So now, God wants us to have faith and lean on Him, to get our strength from His strength, and to learn the lessons attached to each of our trials.  If He is not changing our circumstances, it is because He is trying to change us.  Surrender to Him and your world (perspective and attitude) will change in amazing ways!  God does not view this life as we do, His thoughts are higher than ours.  He is working to prepare us for eternity with Him during our short time on earth.

The helmet of salvation.

Salvation happens the moment we accept Jesus as our Savior, when we acknowledge that through His death and resurrection our sins were paid for.  Then comes the lifelong process of sanctification.  God and God alone saves us, while sanctification happens throughout our journey with Christ, through how we respond as He works to purify us.  It is only “complete” when we die, when our souls are free from all sin.  However, when Christ returns, then sanctification is truly complete, as we receive our resurrection bodies back.  Each day, the Lord is working so we may receive His freeing truth into our minds, while the enemy is fighting for strongholds to bind us.  It is up to each of us who will win in the battlefield of our mind!  What can we do? 

  1. If your thoughts do not line up with God’s Word, surrender them.  It is not easy, but it is a choice we can make and work toward. 
  2. Focus on God’s character and faithfulness in the Bible, over your lifetime, and today.  Again, that is our choice.  We have freewill so we can choose to focus on the good or all we do not have and all we struggle with and then in our anger, blame God. 
  3. Cleanse and renew your mind through God’s Word.  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).

The sword of the Spirit.

The sword of the Spirit is not only named but also defined in Ephesians 10:17, the sword of the Spirit is “the word of God.”  It is the only offensive weapon listed within God’s armor.  God’s Word is described as living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).  Jesus set the example for us as to how scripture can be used offensively when satan tempted Him in the wilderness, each time satan did so Jesus countered it with God’s powerful truths.  The sword of God’s Word protects us and destroys our enemy.  It is available to us 24/7 but we must choose to read it, meditate on it, and use it.

Prayer is not part of the armor of God, but Paul still ends his list reminding us to pray, because that is how significant prayer is.  Prayer allows us to communicate with God, it allows us to have an intimate relationship with Him, it gives us access to all God has for us.  Christianity is not a list of rules, but rather is based on a relationship with our loving God, a God who died for our sins so that we could be set free from sin and death, and thus spend eternity in paradise with Him.  As with any relationship we want to grow, communication is key.  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12).  Finally, Paul reminds us to keep alert and persevere, to not give up!   

Life Applications:

>Contemplate this: whether or not you go to Church or read the Bible, are you committed to the Lord each day wherever you go?  Is Christian your defining adjective?  Do you always stand for God and His truths, even if you are standing alone?

>>Think about a time when everyone could see something that you could not, something that you were pursuing that (or who) was hurting you.  You defended your choice and actions as others warned you, until finally you too could see the truth.  That happened because the enemy is sneaky in his deceptive ways.  What are you doing each day to protect yourself from that happening again?  Make a plan and then follow it!

>>>We are all familiar with “the Golden Rule,” which is part of the Sermon on the Mount, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law of the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12).  How do you want God to treat you?  Do you want Him to make time for you?  To listen to you?  To speak to you in some way?  To do what you ask of Him?  To create the changes that will make things better in and around you?  Do you want Him to defend you and not to forsake you?  Now, consider how you treat God…

My name is Noelle (Rousseau) Picozzi. I have a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Barry University (Miami Shores, FL) and a Master’s Degree in Education from Le Moyne University (Syracuse, NY). I have worked with children, adolescents, families, and adults in a variety of settings since 1993 when I first became an active volunteer for my local rape crisis center. After 50 years in the Northeast, I currently reside in North Carolina with my husband and 3 children who are 18, 12, and 11; in September my first baby leaves the nest for college, which is certainly bittersweet! Many of the skills I learned in my academic and professional life, I have put to good use in the last 14 years as a stay-at-home mom; my husband, myself, and my 3 children all have ADHD/ADD and Anxiety to varying degrees. My life motto has always been, “Grow, Learn, and Change” for as long as I can remember; my book of choice has always been, self-help. I grew up as the youngest child of immigrant parents, my father was an alcoholic, I struggled with undiagnosed ADHD, and wore very thick glasses growing up in a time when being bullied was a dirty, shameful secret, I have lost my parents and 2 brothers; life started as a challenge and hasn’t stopped since. Needless to say, there aren’t many scenarios I have heard from clients, students, and friends that I cannot relate to in some way directly or indirectly. I have a lifelong passion for and commitment to self-growth, which probably started out of necessity/survival mode. I began my research on current educational trends in December shortly after I began substitute teaching and stumbled upon Carol Dweck and the Growth Mindset. Although my focus for this website is on the growth mindset in education, this way of thinking, feeling and acting applies to and can benefit all areas of life! Keep your eyes open for my blog (Coming soon! : ), my first book: The Growth Mindset Daily Journal, and lots of other growth mindset projects!